From: Prophet Iris
The Lord said, "America has been granted a reprieve.
This next season will be a releasing of a rennaissance era with amazing happenings. There will be witty inventions, innovations, and breakthroughs in many areas. Some will have to do with food and food supplies. Some will involve energy, and there will be great strides made in the medical field." The Lord said, "If you have felt lead to start something, build something, sell something, or make something, now would be the time to do it."
"For my people," the Lord said, "this is a time of great revelation. Books are opened with pages turning and deeper understanding coming forth. Be bold and fearless with your witness and expect to experience new power and the weight of my presence in your life."


You may see some things in our worship that are different. Listed below are a few of these things and their scriptural references.

Singing In The Spirit:

1 Cor. 14:15, Psalm 149:1,

Eph. 5:19


Lifting Up “Holy Hands”: Psalm 63:4, Psalm 134:2,

1 Tim. 2:8


Prophecy or Interpretation of Tongues:

1 Cor. 12:10, 1 Cor. 14


Word of Wisdom or Knowledge:

John 4:17, 1Cor. 2:11,12,

1Cor. 12:8


Being “Slain In The Spirit”:

2 Chron. 5:14, Matt. 28:4,

John 18:6, Acts 9:4


Flags and Banners:

Psalm 20:5, Ex. 17:15,

SS 2:4

Christian International


Bishop Bill Hamon.

Founder of Christian International Ministries. A Prophet for over 60 years.


Apostle Leon Walters

Central Heartland Regional Director

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