Pastor's Weekly Pen

November 3, 2024

                    KEEP THE BROTHERHOOD 
     But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary of doing good. And, if anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special note of that man and do not associate with him, so that he may be put to shame. And yet, do not regard him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.
                                                 II Thess. 3:13-15
     Discipline within the church has almost become a thing of the past. If anyone is corrected, they cry out, "Who are you to judge me?" Their thinking is, "If I am wrong, God will correct me." Yet they do not recognize the word where it is written that the church must judge in order to keep us from falling away or showing a poor witness to the lost.
     Here Paul writes that the church should take "special note" of the man who will not obey his instruction. He goes even further to say that we are not to associate with him. This seems to be a very strong thing to do, yet It all has to do with correcting in love. It has to do with instilling respect and the witness of the body to the lost. If we are allowing sin, then it is a poor witness to the lost of the community.
     Yet, even in this situation, the discipline is not to destroy but to return the one to the body with a new heart. The body is to show a stern love which says, "We love you and want you back with us. But you must repent and correct!" He is a brother, and we must love him to the end! Father is about reconciliation!
                                                     Apostle James



You may see some things in our worship that are different. Listed below are a few of these things and their scriptural references.

Singing In The Spirit:

1 Cor. 14:15, Psalm 149:1,

Eph. 5:19


Lifting Up “Holy Hands”: Psalm 63:4, Psalm 134:2,

1 Tim. 2:8


Prophecy or Interpretation of Tongues:

1 Cor. 12:10, 1 Cor. 14


Word of Wisdom or Knowledge:

John 4:17, 1Cor. 2:11,12,

1Cor. 12:8


Being “Slain In The Spirit”:

2 Chron. 5:14, Matt. 28:4,

John 18:6, Acts 9:4


Flags and Banners:

Psalm 20:5, Ex. 17:15,

SS 2:4

Christian International


Bishop Bill Hamon.

Founder of Christian International Ministries. A Prophet for over 60 years.


Apostle Leon Walters

Central Heartland Regional Director

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