November 17, 2024
If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the
world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
John 15:18-19
In this passage of scripture, Jesus makes it very clear that there is a great difference between
the world and the kingdom. First, we must know that we are discussing the spiritual realm. We are not talking about the "physical world" of the land and the oceans. We are discussing the kingdom of
light versus the kingdom of darkness.
The kingdom of darkness is controlled and under the power of satan. This "world" lives for
itself. It is concerned only about itself, and what it can gain. The vision is only about what each
one wants and is not concerned about others. This it true for all who live as part of the world's domain. Each person in the "world" seeks their own good.
The Kingdom of God is the kingdom of light. It has always been; will always be; and is
under the domain of Father and His Son, Jesus. The kingdom is populated by His people. The attitude of love permeates all. We love Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We love the brethren.
The "world" hates the kingdom of God because it cannot control it. And it knows that, in
the end, the kingdom of God will overcome and destroy all other kingdoms! PTL!
Apostle James