Pastor's Weekly Pen


July 14, 2024


               DO NOT SPEAK IN THIS NAME
     And when they had summoned them, they commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the Name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to give heed to you rather than to God, you be the judge; for we cannot stop speaking what we have seen and heard."
                                        Acts 4:18-20
     Peter and John had been arrested and charged for doing a miraculous sign in Jesus name. But, since they could not keep them, the Sanhedrin simply ordered them not to speak in the Name of Jesus.
     When this kind of political or legal harrassment comes, it is necessary that we take the same attitude. "What?" you say! That would never happen in America. Yet we are seeing case after case where people are harrassed because they have not used the "right pronoun." Some are being threatened with losing their job if they will not play along with the "game."
     We must determine to war against these types of persecution. We are not talking about a physical war, but a spiritual war. We must pray and war to see righteousness prevail!
     We must also be determined to stand when persecution occurs. We cannot compromise as some "churches" have done. We cannot emprace sin in order to be "politically correct." We must stand and preach "Jesus!"
                                        Apostle James




You may see some things in our worship that are different. Listed below are a few of these things and their scriptural references.

Singing In The Spirit:

1 Cor. 14:15, Psalm 149:1,

Eph. 5:19


Lifting Up “Holy Hands”: Psalm 63:4, Psalm 134:2,

1 Tim. 2:8


Prophecy or Interpretation of Tongues:

1 Cor. 12:10, 1 Cor. 14


Word of Wisdom or Knowledge:

John 4:17, 1Cor. 2:11,12,

1Cor. 12:8


Being “Slain In The Spirit”:

2 Chron. 5:14, Matt. 28:4,

John 18:6, Acts 9:4


Flags and Banners:

Psalm 20:5, Ex. 17:15,

SS 2:4

Christian International


Bishop Bill Hamon.

Founder of Christian International Ministries. A Prophet for over 60 years.


Apostle Leon Walters

Central Heartland Regional Director

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