December 29, 2024
Hence also, He is able to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He
always lives to make intercession for them. For it was fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled.....
Hebrews 7:25-26a
It is always comforting to know that there is someone there to pray for us. Whether it is a
simple prayer for the day or a prayer during the time of intense tragedy, it is always great to know someone is praying to Father for us. This knowledge can spur us to greater action and/or it can be
as an encouragement to continue on.
However, we have the greatest of all intercessors praying for us. We have Jesus Christ, our
King and our Lord, the very Son of God Himself praying for us. The Word says that He is our great high priest. He is perfect in every way. He is holy and innocent. Yet He is powerful and knows
exactly how to pray for us.
The Word of God says that He became a human such as we. He was flesh and blood yet He was
without sin. He was the only One who could come and be the perfect sacrifice to die and take our sins upon Himself. He knows exactly how we feel and what we are facing!
Therefore, He can and does intercede with Father for us. We can come boldly before Father
knowing that Jesus will cover us in His blood, and we can pray before Father!! Hallelujah!
Apostle James