December 15, 2024
But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not
having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man shall be blessed in what he does.
James 1:25
The difference between being a hearer and a doer is basically one thing - action! The Bible
is full of the principles of God. These principles, when followed, allow for the doer to be a good disciple.
A disciple is one who follows the teaching of the master. The disciples of Jesus followed
His teachings. As a result, they had an abundant life and a hope for eternity! We today, as His disciples, are promised the same. We can have an abundant life and the hope of eternity with
But, this is predicated upon us being "doers of the word." It is not enough for us to read
the word and talk of it. We must be doers of His word. As James wrote in the above mentioned verse, we cannot read or look into the perfect law and then not follow its instructions. We must become
doers of the word.
Sometimes the word seems out of time, or it seems not to fit the scenario. Yet, if we by
faith do what it says, we shall see the result that Father has ordained. It will be for our good and for His glory! The doing of the word will require us to have faith. But this is the essence of
faith. We do not become hears only, but doers!
Apostle James