June 2, 2024
For if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are
putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
Rom 8:13-14
The walk with our Lord can be an exciting one! If we crucify the flesh, then we will hear
and do what the Spirit of God reveals to us. Truly this is living by the Spirit! But the battle against the flesh can sometimes be difficult. Each time the flesh wants something which is against His
will or desire for us, we must both discern and overcome that temptation. When the word says that we must crucify the flesh, that is exactly what we must do. As we discern what is not of Him, then we
must say to the flesh which desires it, "No!" This we can do as we allow the Spirit to empower us.
As we allow the Spirit to reveal to us those things which are not of Him, and then resist,
we grow in the Spirit! As we grow, we then learn to recognize sooner the snares of the enemy. We can then stop the onslaught of the enemy before t becomes stronger.
Saints, being led by the Spirit begins with us saying, "Not my will, but
Apostle James