Pastor's Weekly Pen


June 30, 2024


                   THE ONE WHO ENDURES
     "And because lawlessness is increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he shall be saved.
                                   Matthew 24:12-13
     In the latter days before the return of our Lord Jesus, there will be many events and things happening which will bring about the kingdom of darkness. Those will be days and times where people will refuse to hear the message of the gospel of the kingdom. Not only will they refuse to hear, but they will actively work to pull down the kingdom of our Lord. As followers of Christ, the disciples will need to strengthen themselves in the Lord! The enemy will be stirring the opposition against the people of God. As the scripture says, persecution of the followers of Christ will increase. As His people, we must not fear the enemy, but we must stand fast!
     In those days, the Spirit of the Lord will increase and empower the believers. There will be mighty signs and wonders which will be in the lives of Christians. We will be endued with power and strength to speak and to do things which will break the power of the enemy. However, we are to increase in His love, mercy, and grace in order to overcome and to stand to the end. He will empower us to do!
                                            Apostle James




You may see some things in our worship that are different. Listed below are a few of these things and their scriptural references.

Singing In The Spirit:

1 Cor. 14:15, Psalm 149:1,

Eph. 5:19


Lifting Up “Holy Hands”: Psalm 63:4, Psalm 134:2,

1 Tim. 2:8


Prophecy or Interpretation of Tongues:

1 Cor. 12:10, 1 Cor. 14


Word of Wisdom or Knowledge:

John 4:17, 1Cor. 2:11,12,

1Cor. 12:8


Being “Slain In The Spirit”:

2 Chron. 5:14, Matt. 28:4,

John 18:6, Acts 9:4


Flags and Banners:

Psalm 20:5, Ex. 17:15,

SS 2:4

Christian International


Bishop Bill Hamon.

Founder of Christian International Ministries. A Prophet for over 60 years.


Apostle Leon Walters

Central Heartland Regional Director

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